[문법 천일야화] 3탄 개설
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작성자 사이트관리자 작성일17-11-19 06:51 조회7,724회 댓글0건본문
-3탄 개설-
기다리시던 [문법 천일야화]3탄을 드디어 시작합니다.
강의는 총 20강으로 구성되며 그 내용은 아래 글에 있습니다.
이번 강의는 특히 더욱 mosit 선생님의 영어에 대한 통찰과 하나라도 더 알려주고 싶은 정성이 담겨 있습니다.
mosit 선생님이 오랜 시간 공을 들인 만큼 많은 분들이 그 정성을 맛보시기를 바랍니다.
3탄 강의내용-내림차순으로 정리
(0060) Many women were weak and in constant physical pain, many looked and seemed old by the time they reached their twenties and thirties. : 1차 동사 look(1), 동의어 look, appear(2차), seem(3차)차
(0059) The wind carried the smell of rotting apples : 동사 carry의 기봅 용법 암기법
(0058) We fought with them. : 전치사 with 설명, against와 비교
(0057) It is required that he [pay / paid / should pay] the fine. : 가정법
(0056) She insisted that her daughter always [come / came] home early. : 가정법
(0055) Columbus insisted that he [arrive / should arrive] in Spain wearing the iron fetters. 가정법
(0054) Why should he require life if he [was / were] still alive. : 가정법 굴절 설명
(0053) He recognized her immediately. : 동사 “recognize” 기본용법 암기법
(0052) A drowning man will catch at a straw. catch, catch at의 차이, 자동사-타동사 개념 설명
(0051) She shut the door behind [her / herself]. 재귀대명사 용법 설명, (0046)과 연계
(0050) When he returned, Elsa seemed [quieter / more quiet] than usual. : 알려지지 않은 비교급 용법
(0049) The beach was quite extensive and shallow. : quite 설명
(0048) A first class passenger on a Delta Air Lines flight from Chicago and Beijing tried [opening /to open] the door but was restrained by crew. : try to do, try doing 설명
(0047) On our way back, suddenly it started to rain. : start to do, start doing 차이 설명
(0046) He killed [him / himself]. : 재귀대명사 기원 설명
(0045) He is to blame for it. : 중간태와 be to blame 용법 설명
(0044) We are currently flying at an altitude of 31,000 feet on a course of zero three five. : 전치사 “at”설명
(0043) I was wondering if you could tell me about my mother. Please. : 의문의 과거 시제 사용
(0042) She aimed the gun at the man’s head. : 동사 aim과 전치사 at 사용
(0041) Christ was risen from the dead. : 이상한 수동태
***** 수강료 안내******
20회 강의-유료회원-10만원
*****[문법 천일야화] 강의 신청
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